zondag 16 december 2007

Swimming Exam and one tooth less!

Today was a gorgeous day,.... 2 degrees ( Outch!), but really sunny and amazing blue sky... However, instead of staying outside, we went to the swimmingpool... Duarte had his Zwemwardigheid 1 Exam today, he is really like a little dolphin and passed the exam without a problem.... Yep, I am proud! After the exam, his second upper tooth came out,... again another proof that my son is growing, sometimes too fast !
So here's a big cheer to him foor being such a great kid and to make me so proud of being his mom!
And of course, I could only upload a LO's where he is the center of attention! ;-)

2 opmerkingen:

Carmen zei

Zou je me even een mailtje kunnen sturen?


scrappalife zei

Hoi Carmen,
ik heb je net een email gestuurd!