vrijdag 8 augustus 2008

I am alive,... and she is kicking!

My blog has been still the last couple of months.... there is a big and good reason for that, which I want to share.... I did get a bit of a scrapper's block, I think it happenend becaouse of all the other worries and priorities in my head,... and in my body....

Check this photo out....! ;-)

I am now 7,5 months pregnant!!!!

So for the coming period I forsee that I will not be coming here that much, but I have a REALLY GOOD REASON FOR IT!

See you soon!

2 opmerkingen:

sandra_w zei

Oooo wat leuk...gefeliciteerd hoor! ;)

Fijn weekend!

San xx

Anoniem zei

Ach wat heerlijk om te lezen dat het zo goed met je gaat Patricia! En je buik ziet al aardig rond;-)Heel veel succes met de laatste loodjes,

Inge xo